Tag Archives: ideas

Eye on Doyle

Arthur (latterly Sir Arthur) Conan Doyle, a practising physician, surgeon and ophthalmologist is well known for his fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes. I, too, am a fan. Doyle is less known for the sharp eye that he kept on physics. It shows up in the way his fiction promotes then-new physics-based ideas. Through the 1900s these […]

What’s It to You?

So―a bolt from the blue as the saying goes―I’ve come to understand the way the universe begins. And I’ve concluded I should write a book to share this long-sought understanding with everyone. Why would anyone set out to write a book for everyone? I can think of only one good reason: Because its subject’s something […]

Whose idea?

After I stumble on the answer to the question of how the universe began, I’m sweating what to do next. I figure that another question―Whose discovery is it?―should point me to the answer. It would be pure conceit to think that it is mine alone. I just sorted through the thoughts of others, starting with those […]